25 years of experience with the spiritual world

I have had contact with the spiritual world for as long as I can remember.
I started with automatic writing about 25 years ago, not long after I started healing.

HealingContact me

Healer offers spiritual healing for body and mind

Are you struggling with your health and would you like to get to know yourself on a completely different level?
Then I can help you.
I’m a healer with more than 25 years of experience in the spiritual world.

How can healing help you?

By exchanging energies, as a healer I can balance the fields that affect your health in a negative direction.
In this way, positive energy is infused into you and any blockages can be removed.

Healing can also help healthy and well-functioning people with self-development and self-awareness to maximize their potential.

All my healings take place either at my clinic in Frederikssund or via Zoom.

Over 25 years of experience in the spiritual world

I started with automatic writing about 25 years ago, have taken a number of healing courses with Marzcia Techau and have studied spiritual healing at Arthur Findlay College in London.

Spiritual healing

A form of healing where I as a healer am in a light trance state and surrender more control to the spiritual world.


Healing cancer patients

An initial conversation about the client’s cancer; is there pain, physical discomfort, and to what extent is the client mentally affected?
Then the healing starts.


Healing from stroke

Injuries caused by blood clots and strokes involve working with the different parts of the brain that are damaged.


Energy healing

When I work with energy healing, I use the body’s own energy fields, or chakras.

Angel Healing

A form of healing where I, as a healer, make contact with the angel that best suits the client’s wishes


Epigenetic healing

Break the legacy and clean up epigenetics – a path to definitive healing.

I offer several different types of healing:

  • Healing cancer patients
  • Healing blood clots and brain hemorrhages
  • Energy healing
  • Angel Healing
  • Epigenetic healing
  • Spiritual healing

Which healing is right for you depends on your wishes and challenges.